The Brevs are indeed growing up. As the days go by, more and more Brevs are being sent away to spread the Good News to the world. However, a new breed would always spring up and take over the temporary duties left by a Brev-on-Mission. Let us not be disheartened if we do not see those people whom we were with the past years. Everything has a purpose, so to speak. What we have now is God’s will for us. No matter where we are, once a Brev always a Brev…for we are a chosen race. We move on…we cannot delay what God has planned for us even before our community was formed; or even before we were born. It is not merely the people we are working with that will make any mission we have a success. We, as individuals, will always make mistakes no matter how talented we are. We are but humans – sinful and weak. We cannot perfect our individuality…we simply rely on God’s grace for us to strive to be like Him. Nonetheless, we can always try to perfect our commitment with God.
Our commitment to serve and love God in the best way we can is success in its genuine form. We do not rely on our fellow brevs to do good always; otherwise, we will just end up disappointed. What we should be concerned of is if WE are personally living out our motto: “Nothin’ but the Best for God!” How are we contributing to its general success? Besides, it is primarily because we love God that is why we are here. Our goal as a community would just be secondary to this. It will always be how we responded to the Call of Love that matters most of all. Everything else will follow for once we say our “YES,” God will give us the necessary graces that we need to accomplish the things He has entrusted to us. Our focus is how to please and serve God and not on how the others would either inspire or affect us before we are motivated to move.
Commitment is a sacrifice. We sacrifice our own will, set aside our emotional disposition, denying ourselves from our selfish desires, and getting over our secular foundation for the greater good. Though we are in an age where convenience is easily provided, let us not be afraid to experience difficulties and sufferings. More so, we must even value it. It is in overcoming our daily struggles for the love of God will our hearts be judged. It is all part of the package called Perfect Joy.
On our eleventh year, we are still beginning...a start of a new era! There are so much more to expect as Jesus is full of surprises. Let us always be open to what the Lord is giving us. Weak as we are, we are BUT A CHOSEN RACE. We have to accept that with all humility – that we have been entrusted a special mission in this generation and that our simple ways will make a great difference in this world. Hence, we have no choice but to persevere. Why? Simply because God loved us first! How can we ever refuse such a great love? “You did not choose me. I chose you...” Never say “I am tired” or “I give up” when serving for our labours when done for God’s glory will never be in vain. Do not say “I am unworthy” since nobody is worthy enough. We are in a spiritual warfare and the enemy will never stop attacking us. We have to be on our guard. Pray unceasingly as St. Paul would put it. The enemy persistently lures us to be lukewarm or to turn our backs to what we have been called to do. Remember, whenever these occur, it only means the Lord has something great in store for you.
Therefore, fellow Brevs, be happy! Receive God’s grace. Always remember [M.O.B] – Make good or make room but don’t make excuses. BREV IT UP! 8tch8!
know more about the brevs: - Get A Megadose of Blessing. And Take Your Life To A New Direction.
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