11 August 2012

Gara's Open Letter

30 – B Bengao Rd.
Baguio City
August 11, 2012

God Almighty
Chief Executive Officer
All Created Things Inc.
9 Clouds St., Heaven
Kingdom Of God

Dear God Almighty:

                You may have learned about the grave situation our world is facing right now. I am deeply ambiguous due to the fact that the Saints’ corporation, which is famous for its good stand against the company of Lucy, is really declining by number. The enigma of this problem is another predicament, because it will be a truthful statement that no one or no soul can be with you anymore when Saints’ Corporation will be permanently closed.
                Let me discuss one major problem that suffocates our very deep soul. Nowadays Sir, equity will be a foul dream for everyone. His share on anything that you have purely created is not reachable at all. To gnaw is all that can be done to survive. Many people have been preoccupied by ambition, fame and power. Forgetting the true desires of their hearts, to live in solitude, as you have directed. However, morality still survives.

                As your creation, I would like to appeal to your generous and kind heart. If you can donate more angels to blow our impurities away. And please sir, may I also request for some reservations in your vast land there in your kingdom for us to leave all our futile ways here. The president of the Lucy Company had already made his biggest offers but still I suggest that your divine providence is much better.

                I sincerely hope for your prompt answer regarding this matter. Thank you and we exalt you!

Respectfully yours’
Mary Grace Ann Soriano-Maigue
(Breviarians-Saints’ Co.)

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