22 January 2015

A Brevstock Reflection

It was an overwhelming task to pull off  so far the biggest event of Brevstock bands@war...with almost
0 budget to start off with. How to pay everything we needed was certainly something to be anxious about...nevertheless, what can we be afraid of when it is the inspiration of the Lord that compels us to continue with the mission?

During the time when I was beginning to doubt especially with regards to our financial capacity, the Lord spoke to my heart and asked me, "What is more difficult?  To raise funds or to walk on water?"  That moment, I believed He was in control.  OUR WAYS ARE DIFFERENT FROM HIS.  All I had to do was to follow and to have a faith at least that of a mustard seed. His Words, "do not be afraid," continued to  echo in my head.  It was such a consolation and a source of inner peace. I believed that more miracles were about to happen.

When we are given a Divinely inspired mission, we are called to focus on Him...walk on water...and be not afraid.  It is not about what we are capable of but what HE CAN DO.  And beyond every little circumstance and activity, He tells us to DUC IN ALTUM (put out into the deep Luke 5:4) so we may fully understand what He really wants of us.

The Lord is truly gracious.  Despite our unworthiness and sinfulness, He gives us the grace to still serve Him and express our love for Him.  I praise the good Lord for such an amazing opportunity to serve Him through the youth and to BRing EVery Soul to Him, our Christ the King.

Thank You, Lord for the opportunity to celebrate the visit our Your Vicar, Pope Francis, here on earth through Brevstock.  Thank You for the angels you have sent us to assist us in our needs.  Thank You for prayer warriors.  Thank  You for Your chosen Brevs to answer Your call to serve.  Thank you for just being there every little step we make.

Lord, there are more to come...but we trust in Your mercy and just give us the grace to persevere so we may continuously answer Your call to serve ...for as long as You will.


***rest is in heaven***

01 January 2014

A Very Happy New Year of the Lord!

This new year, let us fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). When we see through His eyes, we look at people with love no matter how sinful. God is love hence we must exude love in our being if we are truly His disciples. For He said:

John 13:34-35
 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Humility is love. Self-righteousness is destructive of such kind of love as it condemns people rather than uplifts. Such was the fall of Satan. It was his pride that condemned him to the pits. He was created all good but because of self-righteousness, he was unwilling to subject himself into serving/loving humankind.

Let me quote an excerpt from thewarningsecondcoming (http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/my-plans-to-save-the-whole-world-are-in-place-and-not-one-soul-will-i-let-go-of-easily/):

>>>Hatred can never come from God. Hatred comes from the devil. He who hates emulates the traits associated with Satan. Because he imitates Satan, man will often camouflage hatred with a sweet and cunning façade. Very often he who hates another will say that they are only speaking out of love when they cause damage to others, in order to confuse them. The man who hates, just like Satan, will be careful not to reveal his hatred. Many will say that they are acting in good faith because of the need for honesty. Yet, any act of hatred can never bring good fruits, for like rotting flesh it will bring decay and then death of the soul.<<<

This 2014, may we be faithful disciples of the Loving God. May we proclaim to the whole world that this year is THE YEAR OF THE LORD for every year is His grace. May we bring Him glory by being His instruments of faith, hope, love...and PEACE.